AU Check
Project DescriptionThis tool automates the most common fixes to issues with the AU Client (windows update agent) and the WindowsUpdate site. This tool automates the most common fixes to issues with the AU Client (windows update agent) and the WindowsUpdate site.The script can be easily modified, but in its default configuration it does the following: The script can be easily modified, but in its default configuration it does the following: On Vista and 2008 it dowloads and runs the Latest checksurRe-registers all WU related DLLs Renames the softwaredistribution\download folder Checks the Service Object Security for WUAUSERV and BITS Logs then Clears BITs Queue and BITS state filesRestarts AU and BITS services It incorporates some registry checks (FilesNotToBackup) entries that can prevent BITS from starting.creates an updates.htm in the c:\AULOGS directory with links to all the prerequisites for the update processCreates several troubleshooting logs in c:\AULOGS in case the tool fails to fix the problem.Tests PROXYCFG and writes a log indicating if the WinHTTP call succeeded (c:\aulogs)Dumps output to detect MSXML registration problem (c:\aulogs)Tests WGA using the mgadial tool and writes the output to a file in c:\aulogs.This supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 2008 x86 or x64 Download AU Check